The TouchBerry Pi Temperature

The Touchberry Pi shield has been equipped with an MCP9800 temperature sensor. It can be seen in the upper left corner of the shield.

Front of the Touchberry PI shield
Figure: Front of the Touchberry PI shield

The Touchberry Pi shield class

The communication between the temperature sensor and the Raspberry Pi is realized via i2c. A driver for this is supplied by us and accessible via the TouchberryPi class.

A UML diagram of the TouchberryPi class is shown below.

UML class diagram of TouchberryPi
Figure: UML class diagram of TouchberryPi

To retrieve the sensor temperature all you need is the TouchberryPi import.

from touchberrypi import TouchberryPi

To make use of the shield driver you will need to make an object of the TouchberryPi class.

shield = TouchberryPi()


The example script below reads the temperature every two seconds and displays it via in the terminal.

from time import sleep
from touchberrypi import TouchberryPi

shield = TouchberryPi()

while True:
  temp = shield.temperature()
  print("Shield temperature: " + str(temp) + "°C")


Show an alarm (for example all LEDs RED) when a certain threshold is reached. It should only be resettable when the user pressed the X key.

The full solution can be found in the solutions section.

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